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#### # # # #
# # # # # The FreeWare C library for
# # ## ### # # # # ### RISC OS machines
# # # # # # # # # # # ___________________________________
# # #### ### ## # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # Please refer to the accompanying
#### ### #### # # ##### # ### documentation for conditions of use
Note that although this software is supplied free of charge, copyright
applies to it. All rights are reserved, except for the following:
This software may be copied and distributed without restriction so long
as the following conditions are met:
a) The copyright messages and these conditions are distributed intact
in all such copies
b) Only original, unaltered copies of this software are to be
distributed (so that this library remains consistent over time)
-PLEASE DON'T alter the library and pass it on: Alter it and
send alterations back to the moderator (see below) so that
your code becomes an official update rather than a hack.
c) No profit is made through such distribution
This software may be used in the production of any piece of software so
long as the authors acknowledge in the final product distribution that
DeskLib (or parts thereof) was used.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* Bug reports, fixes, or any extra code may be sent to the moderator, *
* who may or may not act on them as he deems fit. *
NOTE ALSO that DeskLib is totally unaffiliated to anyone or anything.
Just because I now work for Computer Concepts does not mean that this
product is in any way related to Computer Concepts Ltd.
All comments about people and companies in this product are either
personal opinion or were factual at the time of writing. Most such
comments are included only so that the user knows the REASON for
things having been done as they were.
About DeskLib
After some bad experiences with Acorn's RISC OS Lib, I decided that a new,
well written, professionally-finished library would be very useful. Acorn
appeared to be uninterested in fixing RISC OS Lib for me, so I managed to
rustle up a band of merry programmers to help me write a completely new
library, from scratch, and design things before they were written.
The result is (or will be ?!) DeskLib.
DeskLib is a set of ANSI C and ARM assembler sources intended to add to or
replace PARTS of the libraries supplied with Acorn Desktop C. Many parts of
DeskLib replace parts of the Acorn Libraries, but many portions of the
library code can be used in conjunction with Acorn's libraries, or as a base
from which you will be able to more easily write code for use with Acorn's
Libraries, so don't go away just yet!
This library is intended both as an alternative to Acorn's RISC OS Lib as
well as a useful source of fragments of code to include into your own
All efforts have been spent to make the library code as generic, robust,
and useful as possible, as well as attempting to provide a comprehensive
range of function calls, from basic SWI-level support to high-level
functions such as automatic dialogue-box creation, handling and
result-return in a single function.
Where possible, routines have been optimised (to some extent) for
efficiency, but the primary goals are high-level interfaces that make WIMP
programming quick and easy. (If the user wants to specifically do something
special, and wants it fast, the source code for DeskLib is available, so any
functions can be adapted for the user's needs as necessary...)
All possible action is taken to keep code size down without adversely
affecting the functionality of the library: Individual functions are added
to the library separately, so that including one function in your code
does NOT include the (unwanted and unneeded) code for several others.
Where possible, code is written as a standalone unit to avoid pulling in
too much other DeskLib code when you include a function.
Attempts have also been made to rationalise the naming conventions used,
while keeping as much compatibility with the Acorn libraries as possible.
Thus, data structures are as similar to acorn conventions as possible, but
with occasional names altered to improve readability and/or consistency.
We have reverted back to basing our naming on Acorn's very well designed
SWI interfaces and their use, rather than sticking with Acorn's RISC OS Lib
abstractions to keep this environment closer to it's Assembler and BASIC
cousins, which will make it easier to port programmers between environments.
As a result, DeskLib has been developed by individual programmers working
to some basic guidelines, with me, the moderator, taking in the code,
tidying up any "loose ends" I find, and then including the final code in
the Library. This has helped to keep everything as consistent as possible
throughout the library. (Though I can't guarantee that the library is
perfect, I believe it is far superior to RISC OS Lib in the areas it
currently covers)
The code has been written to provide a high-level interface that supports,
encourages, and all BUT forces programmers to use a more consistent
interface design, which will be brought into line with the Acorn Style
Guide as soon as Acorn make up their minds...
The programmer using DeskLib is encouraged to use our more generic template
and menu routines, so that the END USER of the product has more control
of the look, feel, layout, and hotkeys used in the program.
However, another important concept is that YOU are in charge, and DeskLib
is just a tool for you to use, so it should not force you against your will
if possible. Thus, we provide unrestricted low-level access as well. And by
providing the sources, we make it possible for you to do low-level "tweaks"
on our high-level data structures without the fear that you might be
treading on the toes of some other code...
We also feel it is important to distribute the library sources freely, so
that you may improve or alter the library to suit your own needs, and
hopefully send back any improvements or bug fixes to me so that they may be
officially incorporated into the DeskLib distribution. Also, you can SEE
what functions do, and thus KNOW what they do, and therefore be able to
cope with what they do, rather than tripping over low-level implementation
details/bugs that the author didn't bother to make you aware of.
We have absolutely NO objection to including SEVERAL DIFFERENT code modules
that do essentially the same thing, so that you may CHOOSE the one that
suits you best.
The future
As well as growing to include more and more code resources, three important
goals for the future of this Library are:
* Conversion to assembler. Small and simple functions (Icon_Select, etc)
are extremely easy to convert to assembler. This also has the advantage
of reducing their size at the same time as increasing efficiency. The goal
is to convert as much of the library as possible to a more efficient
implementation over time. This will not affect the interface, so existing
applications can benefit from the conversion by simply relinking with
the new functions.
* Support for Glazier's 'Glass' template format, including menu, window, icon
and hotkey templates, and special creatures such as 'meta-icons' (things
like slider icons which are made up of more than one Wimp icon, but can
be treated by the main program as a single entity)
* Production of a shared DeskLib code library relocatable module, along
similar lines to the existing ANSI SharedCLibrary. This will basically move
the most important small functions into a SMALL relocatable module so that
the code resources may be shared by all desktop tasks, including ones
written in C, assembler, and (hopefully) BASIC.
If code you have written is incorporated into this library, you still
retain your copyright for it. However, if you wish to retract
copy-permission for a part of DeskLib you have written, then it will be
removed from *future* releases of the distribuion, and the retraction will
not affect previous release versions of the library, or any software
product that used them. Probably an equivalent bit of code will then be
written by somebody else to fill the gap.
If DeskLib is updated by someone writing code based upon your suggestions
and/or code, then they retain copyright for that which they have written,
though you will be credited in the updated file(s).
If you write any FreeWare using the DeskLib libraries, it would be really
nice of you to send me a copy of the sources and final application to
possibly be included in future DeskLib releases as tutorial/demonstration
code, or at least distribute your sources (or parts thereof) with your
application so that they may serve as example code for others.
For documentation on using DeskLib in your own programming projects, and
submitting your own code/ideas for inclusion in DeskLib, please read the
files in the Docs directory. Note that most of the documentation of
function calls is provided in the form of comments in the relevant header
(.h) files at present.
The last point is that although we are trying to provide complete useful
code, some bugs are bound to fall through the net... Some decisions on
naming or data structures may seem bad to you (some do to me), but we
have our reasons (usually consistency) for doing things this way.
We are doing our best: Constructive criticism is welcome, but please
don't winge at us - If you don't like something, then don't bother me - go
away and spend a year writing the code yourself... I don't welcome
criticism from people who are unwilling to write the code themselves.
Now please go back and read the conditions that you skipped at the top of
this file, because they are important ;-)
This library has been built up by a group of authors. Individual files
contain copyright notices for the author(s) who created them. The
authors (and other contributors) I've remembered to write down here
are (alphabetically):
Peter Arnold
Matthew Astley
Lee Atkinson
Philip Banks
Shaun Blackmore
Cy Booker
Tim Browse
Tony Bryant
Philip Colmer
Erik de Kort
Keith Hall
Tony Houghton
Jason Howat
Tony Howat
Peter Gaunt
Tom Kirby-Green
David Leftley
David Lenthall
Keith Marlow
Stuart Martin
Sergio Monesi
Ernest Ong
Ainsley Pereira
David Pilling
Edouard Poor
Andrew Sellors
Julian Smith
Ben Summers
Neil Tarrent
William Waghorn
Robin Watts
Jason Williams
Mark H. Wilkinson
John Winters
Thanks also to the numerous others who have offered suggestions, etc.
Thanks to Acorn for designing the machine and the compiler.
And for RISC OS Lib?? I guess so, or this would never have appeared, and
I would be forced to relax in the weekends ;-)
The above was mostly written by Jason Williams, the original DeskLib moderator
Contacting the moderators:
If you find any bugs or problems in DeskLib, or if you can supply
suggestions or code for alterations, additions, or tutorial applications,
then please write to either of:
Julian Smith
Department of Experimental Psychology
University of Oxford
South Parks Road
Craig Beech
c/o Echelon Software
30 The Deerings
AL5 2PE.
(including a small lump of cash (1 british pound would suffice) to cover
return postage would be appreciated!)
or email either of:
A set of DeskLib web pages is reachable from:
This site may also have beta versions of DeskLib.
These addresses were valid as of the release date.
If you fail to reach us at any of them, then we can also generally be
contacted by posting an article onto usenet's comp.sys.acorn newsgroup,
which we (or someone) will be watching regardless of where we happen to be
Updates to this library are likely to be distributed over comp.sources.acorn,
various Archive servers, selected "PD" Libraries, and by high velocity llama.
If you wish to use DeskLib in a commercial product (or ANY important or
global-release software for that matter), then PLEASE write to us at the
above addresses enclosing a blank 3.5" disc, and I will endeavour to answer
any queries you have, and forward you the latest version of the library
sources. It is in your own best interests! The only way to get support is
by contacting us.